The Berlin International Women’s Club English-Speaking Parent/Child Playgroup
Join us Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for an English-speaking Krabbelgruppe (Waldenserstr. 13, 10551 Berlin).
Bring your infant or toddler and their favorite toy and join us for a cup of coffee or tea, and conversation
in English with other mothers and fathers in Berlin.
Every Tuesday, 10:30-11:30
Venue: Offenes Wohnzimmer, Waldenserstr. 13, 10551 Berlin (Moabit)
Getting there:
- U9 to Turmstr.
- S41/42 to Beusselstr.
- Bus 105, 123 or M27 to Turmstr./Beusselstr.
- Bus 101 to Turmstr./Waldstr.