Ah, August! Time for holidays at the seaside, or in the mountains, or somewhere more exotic! So it’s a somewhat quiet time for us at the Club–but if you’re still in Berlin, join us for language groups, walking groups, book groups, and other events.
Get Out and Explore
Friday, 19 August A visit to Sacrow Church, an Italianate church sitting dreamily at the water’s edge, like a ship moored at a quiet point in the river Havel.
Eat, Drink, and Enjoy
Wednesday, 17 August An early-evening meal, with old friends and new, at Let’s Go Sylt. Fish specialties and plenty of other dishes, with a chance to watch the world go by on Kurfürstendamm.
Talk About Books
Wednesday, 17 August Discussion of The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and Women to Medicine, including fascinating accounts of medical education and practice in America and Europe in the nineteenth century.
Monday, 29 August Discussion of a comic crime novel, The Man Who Died Twice.

Bürgerpark Pankow
Stay Fit with Walking Groups
Saturday, 20 August A hike along the little river Panke, including Schlosspark Pankow, with the beautiful Schloss Schönhausen, and Bürgerpark Pankow.
Every Wednesday A walk around Schlachtensee.
Every Thursday A walk in Tiergarten.
Languages and Games
Wednesdays, 3 and 24 August French speakers
Mondays, 8 and 22 August English speakers
Tuesdays, 9 and 23 August German speakers
Friday, 12 August Spanish speakers
The Club has several Mah Jong groups that play regularly.
Photo credits: Sacrow Church, Von Musil – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8937109
Bürgerpark Pankow, Joan Luft